bi-Partisan. Multi-faith. student run. fighting for a just, free, And sane digital world since 2018.
Media Law Demo Version
Table of Contents:
Why the Filter Bubble is Killing America (Harm)​​
Why Current Media Law Can't Fight the Filter Bubble (Inherency)
The IDH's Best Legal Guesses for Fighting the Filter Bubble (Plan)
Assignments for this Week (Solvency)
Why the Filter Bubble is Killing America
READ and WATCH the IDH website on the Filter Bubble.​​
The topic this week is disinformation and the post-fact society; what additional content on that does the IDH webpage need?
Why Mass Media Law Can't Fix the Bubble
RULE 230:
WATCH: What is Rule 230?
WATCH: 60 Minutes on Rule 230
- READ and BRIEF: Zehan v. AOL (in Privacy and Media)
- IDH Podcast, April 7th, 2020, "Pregame on Rule 230" or
- IDH Podcast, April 14th, 2020 "Rule 230"
What Might Work to Legally Fight the Filter Bubble
WATCH: What is defamation?
READ: Solove & Schwartz. Dissemination of False Information.
In Privacy and the Media  (pages 174-176; 185-196) -
READ and BRIEF: NY Times v. Sullivan
WATCH: IDH Podcast, March 31, 2020, "NYT v. Sullivan"​​​
READ and BRIEF: Gertz v. Welch
WATCH: IDH Podcast, March 31, 2020, "Gertz v. Welch"​
READ and BRIEF: Time v. Hill
WATCH: IDH Podcast, March 31, 2020 "Time v. Hill"
Assignments for the Week
Alright team, as promised we are going to keep this week easy.
Here's how: We are going to "bank" your Logos Project Assignment. It will not be due this week. We will assign (next week) an easy fix for our webpage (based on this week's content) and that won't be due until the end of the semester. (Read between the lines; McKain is doing you a solid.). So make sure you do all the readings, take notes, etc. (Because you need to know everything from this week for the coming week.)
What is due this week (and next week) -- work with me here -- is the IDH Podcast Game assignment. And I want to see if we can do this "for reals." In other words, I want to see if -- via coordination on Slack -- we can make a podcast segment just using the online students. (If this works, we can start doing it with Indiana next fall.)
Here are the rules: Everyone will tape two pieces of podcast audio. The first piece is below. The second piece will have to wait until we hear your colleagues responses. (Which is why "part two" will happen next week.). Again: remember I'm getting you out of a lot of work this week, so just make a good faith effort to see if this pilot can function.
We are going to focus on two case studies: Alex Jones' lawsuit and whether (this is an IDH theory) you can use false light to challenge algorithms.
Case Study One: Alex Jones
READ: Alex Jones loses lawsuit on Sandy Hook
WATCH: Colbert on Alex's Jones' Divorce​
Podcast Topic: Do We Like the Ruling Against Alex Jones?
Facts: (Richard, 2 min max)
Issue #1 and Rules: Defamation (Kadija, 2 min max)
Issue #2 and Rules: Elonis (Nick, 2 min)
Analysis #1: Defamation
(Should Jones lose and do we want defamation used to fight disinformation?) Micah (2-3 min)
Analysis #2: Elonis
(Could Jones credibly claim that the Elonis rule protects "personas" and is this a good thing for digital ethics?) Richard (2-3 min)
Round Two Rebuttals (TBD)
Rachel, Erica, Caleb, Josiah
Put your audio here:
Label it, Last Name, Podcast Game, and your section
Case Study Two: False Light as Algorithm Protection?
Harm: Why Algorithms are dangerous (Erica, 1 min)
Inherency: Why Rule 230 protects tech companies (Rachel, 2 min)
Plan #1: Could false light work? (McKain)
Plan #2: What the rule of false light? (Josiah, 2 minutes)
Solvency: Argue FOR applying false light to sue employment algorithms (Caleb) (2-3 min)
Solvency: Argue AGAINST applying false light to sue employment algorithms. (Leonel) (2-3 min)
Round Two Rebuttals: (TBD)
Micah, Nick, Kadija,
Label it: Last Name, Podcast Game, Your Section
This Week's Videos
MEDIA LAW, March 31, 2020
Meeting Minute are here
04:33: Defamation (NYT v. Sullivan)
35:00: Gertz v. Welch
1:25:50: Dominion and Fox
2:17:00: False Light (​Time v. Hill)
MEDIA LAW, April 7th, 2020
Meeting Minute are here
Pre Debate on Rule 230
MEDIA LAW, April 14th, 2020
Meeting Minute are here
17:16: Rule 230 Podcast
1:07:00: FB Supreme Court Podcast