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AI Ethics, Justice, and Equity 

The IDH believes we should treat all people
as the multi-faceted human beings they are.


If algorithms have their way, humans are just a variable in ill-conceived, biased, error-filled, and/or illegal code.

So we created a bipartisan and cross-cultural coalition using peer-reviewed methods to assess and fix faulty, unethical, and illegal algorithms. In the years following our inception, the IDH has emerged as local, national, and international thought leaders in the fight to treat people like








  • Together with other activists and organizations, the IDH advocated for legislation that would prevent the Minneapolis Police Department from using facial recognition software. Ultimately, the ban passed! (Take that, robots!)

  • Our Plugging In community education event (w/ACLU MN,
    Safety Not Surveillance, and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy) was a banger.

  • Kare-11 (Minneapolis Local News) interviewed the IDH about our efforts for a more just and equitable digital future!

  • The IDH's very own Thomas Freeman was interviewed on Nebraska Public Television about out Coded Bias partnership.

  • The IDH's Dr. Aaron Mckain, Thomas Freeman, Samson Hall, and a bunch of IDH research associates published a primer on digital ethics in The Nebraska Lawyer.

  • Check out the online gallery space for "Digital Rights are Civil Rights," an online art exhibit showcasing the intersection of digital ethics and civil rights, with a particular focus on racism and systemic oppression.

#NeighborsNotNumbers victories

June 2021:
IDH Partner’s With Netflix’s Coded Bias on High School Curriculum

February 2021:
IDH, ACLU MN, and Little Earth Present “Digital Rights Are Civil Rights” (International Juried Art Show)

Algorithmic Ethics

what is algorithmic Ethics?

Most folks don't even understand what an algorithm is.  Let alone how algorithms are already replacing human judgment -- in inaccurate, discriminatory, and unconstitutional ways -- that are already affecting citizens of all walks of life.

Which is why the IDH has spent the last 18 months building diverse, bi-partisan coalitions of academics, lawyers, programmers, politicians, advocates,  and educators to help communities (and companies) get on the same page when thinking and talking about algorithmic assessment, regulation, and reform. 

We call this #NeighborsNotNumbers.

Tom Freeman -- a professor at Creighton University, an experienced lawyer, and a longtime partner of the IDH -- explains algorithmic ethics and its importance.

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