bi-Partisan. Multi-faith. student run. fighting for a just, free, And sane digital world since 2018.

Stanford-IDH Roundtable
Stanford Race and Tech Fellows Elizabeth Adams and X joined the IDH and North Central University's Technology Law Class to Discuss Algorithmic Bias, Unreliability, and Corporate Compliance
Round One: Algorithmic Ethics and Tech Sector Policy
0:17- 4:17
“Is this the moment for optimism on Algorithm Ethics?”
4:17- 6:07
Elizabeth Adams talks about how some people don’t care about tech
6:07- 8:26
Honest concerns about the the dangers of politics and tech
“What’s a legislative vision (bill) on tech?”
12:57- 15:13
Elizabeth Adams on her optimism on confronting algorithmic ethics
Round Two: Technological Power and Manipulation
0:11- 4:30
“How and when is the conversation on digital ethics starting inside of tech (Silicon Valley)?”
4:50- 8:58
Digital ethics was the government’s radar, but not acted upon because of the lack of understanding the tech.
The perpetrator of the injustice is also policing the injustice
9:37- 11:10
“Where is the disconnect between the legal, ethical and technological side when it comes to how this technology is being used and how can we all work together to tackle these issues?”
11:10- 14:46
It comes down to representation; a seat at the table for marginalized people who are affected by these techniques (machine learning, artificial